Wednesday, December 31, 2008


I have moved! Going to co-blog with Zhiying at so please go there from now on! And thanks to those who have been reading this wonderfully dead blog!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

My autobiography

I was born in the 1950s. The fateful day of 25 May 1945. Yes, that makes me...63 years old.

My family ran a shop selling traditional chinese medicine. It was quite big...I guess I was well-off? I had 2 older brothers. With them continuing the family business, my family allowed me to do whatever I like with my life. (Being the youngest, and a girl, helped me in getting their attention. I was pampered :D)

As a child, I knew I would study medicine. I loved the smell of the shop, but hated the taste of chinese medicine. And of course, I thought I would help my brothers with the shop when I grew older. But...things change.

I went to university and got attracted to the idea of western medicine. Well at that time, anything Western seemed cool. Cool names. Cool dressing. Cool odourless white capsules. Its not about qi, or some foods being re and some being liang. Its about bacteria (I forgot the names), high cholestarol. I pursued western medicine in university.

At that time, I lived in the dorms, sharing a room with another girl. And she will set up aromatic candles and take out charms on some nights. Not on full moon nights though. Anyway, she specialised in what people thought as black magic. It was something entirely different, but for convenience's sake, lets call it "black magic". It's not supposed to be anything dark. Anyway, after seeing her successes in studies, love and predictions-come-true, I started to practise it too. And till now, I still believe in it.

My life went smooth-sailing from there. I felt like I could control it, and everything else. I graduated and got a job as a nurse. My friend and I still kept in touch. (She became a respected female professor I think) Anyway, through her, I learnt the magic of eternal life.

Of course, I wasn't that naive. But she didn't age at all, even after 20 years. I was convinced that the magic did help, even if not for eternal life. I was getting old. I became worried. I sought her help, and she helped me prepare all I needed to perform the magic.

But one thing that was lacking was pure water. My friend refused to tell me how she sourced it (now that I think of it, she must have lied to me about the water). Anyway since the magic couldn't work, I had to give up on it. But I performed another one instead: to be reborn. It seems like my life can be renewed by 80 years. Tempting.

I transferred department. On 25 May (it has to be on the day of my birthday) 1992, 47 years old, when baby Erwina was born, a nurse helping with the delivery performed the magic and became her (I wasn't bad enough to chase her soul away). So now, Erwina has 2 personailties: the original, and a 63-year old personailty.

Well, doesn't my autobiography explain a lot? Like:
How come Erwina as the taste of an auntie
How come Erwina can read the future ("black magic" practicioner)
How come Erwina can read your mind (see above)
How come Erwina is soooo lucky (see above)
How come Erwina is a gemini (ok that wasn't related)
How come Erwina acts so childish (cause she only has half the time other people get to grow up)
How come Erwina addresses certain people as nian qing ren
How come Erwina has such old-fashioned values
and much more...

The power of imagination.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

What if... #1

...there's no frictional force in this world?

We will slide to wherever we want and not stop till we drop into the river/hole/ crash into a cliff. We'll drown since there's no way we can climb back up to shore.

There will be no F1 racng as the drivers will just overshoot (cannot brake). Unable to turn to complete rounds.

There will be no such thing as erasers.

Nor bottle caps, since there's no way it can be screwed tight.

(Just realised something incredibly amusing. I typed "well being" into MS word and it was underlined in green. So i right-clicked it and the suggestion was "well-being". So i clicked on it and changed it, but then it got underlined again. Right click-- "well being". And it got underlined =.=. So smart. Even nicer than the understand-comprehend thingy XD)

Back to friction...

There MAY (note that I'm not saying WILL) be no such word as "friction". But it may actually solely mean friction between people... hmm...

Physics will be a lot easier!

The old roller-mouse will never work.

We can't light fires. All of us will stil be stuck in stone age. Or perhaps there will be no life at all.

There will be (or never be) soil erosion. Will be: Roots of plants unable to hold soil together. Will not be: Water will not be able to wash soil away.

Paperclips will not work!

Dusters will not work! So no more whiteboard duties!

Of course there are many more but I think I've crapped enough Really, I should be studying my environment degradation notes... :( :(

Monday, August 4, 2008



schizophrenic. says:
haha you can say she's nice
schizophrenic. says:
and how she's too kind
schizophrenic. says:
and too nice
schizophrenic. says:
and how you miss going home with her
schizophrenic. says:

or swinging with her
schizophrenic. says:
and remind her that i will buy her an ice cream but suying won't buy you any


Sunday, July 6, 2008

Procrastination is not a sin

So I shouldn't feel guilty I shouldn't feel guilty I shouldn't feel guilty I shouldn't feel guilty I shouldn't feel guilty I shouldn't feel guilty.

Arghhhhhhh I hate myself!!!! [Okay just kidding]

Procrastination is being cruel to yourself. For example. You have youth day fun fair on Friday, so there's no CCA or any other stuff after school. You have nothing on on Saturday either. Sunday you have plans to go out and celebrate birthdays. Monday is a holiday.

Friday afternoon--slack
Saturday--Finish Either zuowen or ying yong wen.
Sunday--Play whole day
Monday--Finish the zuowen or ying yong wen. And NYAA.

If there's time, redo the applications piece.

Friday afternoon--slack
Sunday--Play whole day, tries to finish nyaa by tonight but was blur and wrote the wrong thing on the wrong age and my scanner's not working so I shall not do it today.
Monday--Chiong zuowen and yingyongwen.

So sorry Monday de Erwina for dumping all these on you!!! Please don't hate me!!!!

I can feel the cruelty inflicted by myself on myself.

Therefore, I shall strive and at least finish my yingyongwen today.

Okay, where's my pen? Argh, forget it, shall do it tmr. Since it's late and I'm tired.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Don't wanna do work...

Hey you should start on your math reflections...not blogging.

Ok I'll start once I've finished blogging.

Which is when?

Well math reflections can the most I'll just sleep late lor.

And you know you will end up sleeping late. Hey you should really stop procrastinating. You still have tons of undone work, esp the NYAA thing...

I'll do the NYAA on Friday. As for the others, I promise to finish what's due tmr by today, even if I have to work till like 12 + am.

Hey his (my brother) high note broke.


Anyway, you know you wasted a lot of time today? Just because there's no more PLC doesn't mean that you should slack all the way till the time PLC's supposed to end.

But I can't help it! I just can't bring myself to face work at this time!!! Especially when I have better stuff to do...

You mean stuff that you want to do. Like TV, books, games, surfing the web...

But it's not fair! We spend the whole day in school, then we get home and rest for a bit, and then we do homework till late at night! The number of free hours just aren't enough!

Not really. When you get home it will be around 3.30pm. Shower till 4.00 pm. then take away one hour for dinner. Take away 3 hours max for homework. and let's say you sleep at 10pm. So from 4pm to 10pm there's 6 hours. Take away dinner and homework time and you still have 3 hours left. To play or do whatever you want to. And that's if you have 3 hours worth of homework to do. If you had utilised your time properly, you wouldn'nt have to sleep late and you can slack/crap/play for 3 whole hours!!!

Yeah, makes sense. BUT we human beings just aren't disciplined enough. At least, not me. There're like 24 hours a day. Take away 7 for sleeping, we've got 14 hours. 3/14 X100% = 21.428571 %. We only spend this much of our active hours each day to do what we want!

I don't deny that whatever you've said is correct. It can be done. But what I wanna say is, we deserve better. You've got 3 hours of free time. Take away transport + 3rd lang, there's no more. Take away CCA, no more. We don't have time to have a life. Even Sat and Sun, we have to do homework. We can't even properly enjoy our weekends! :(

I just don't have enough discipline la...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Since everyone wants me to...

I shall post.

But no, I'm saving Japan for later, when I'm in a better mood.

How to Live Longer and Lament Less. [I love alliteration)

1) Don't take school so seriously.

If you try to finish all your homework, try to hand up every single piece on time, you are a goner. Especially if you take very long to do each piece, and you won't settle for a piece of work that's not good enough to you. If you try to stay awake in class, even during lectures, you are a goner. You can't sleep at home cause of all the homework, then sleep in school. If you don't even sleep in school, you'll not Live Long. Cause sleep is important. And if you worry yourself over presentations and essays and class participation, you'll just age faster.

2) Don't take life so seriously.

Especially if you have a brother who goes to school for half a day and then comes home and play all the way. [And i really mean play ok]. Once you see through life as something transient, once you see that you are only a drop of water in the endless ocean, once you see that the world may end in four year's time [u can try googling 2012 december dunno wad date], you'll Lament Less. But that's only if you have acheived the stage of not becoming sad when you see ur bad results and not worrying about your future. For this to work, you have to absolutely believe that there is no future. For you.

3) Don't compete.

You'll only be sad when you lose. There's no point in winning anyway. So why torture yourself.

4) Don't keep telling people to update.

'Cause if the person suddenly loses it and graps hold of your neck you'll not Live Long.

5) Don't read.

Don't read those motivational books. They'll only psyco you to live a meaningful life so that you'll be happy, which is in itself a paradox. Don't touch those books at all, or you'll never attain nirvana. You HAVE TO psyco yourself that there is no meaning in school, so that you'll not take it so seriously, and that will save you from a lot of worries and stress and boredom and feelings of imperfection and disappointment.

A good place to start is Read those demotivators, get those mugs or something. And meditate. Brainwash yourself. And you'l LLLL.

Good luck, mortal beings.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Life's paradox #2

I want to sleep but I don't want to sleep.

Sub "home" in the previous post with "sleep".

Ok, I shall not be lazy. I really wanted to leave it at that.

I want to sleep. 'Cause well, I'm sleepy =.= There is such an abundance of homework that there will not be a rice crisis if we can turn homework into rice. Anyway, 'cause of the excess homework, I can't sleep till I have finished the urgent ones. And those pieces of homework will usually not let me off till late at night. Thus, the next morning, and also night actually, I will feel sleepy. Sleepiness will cause me to take very long to do my work, resulting in working till late at night, causing me to sleep late, causing me to feel sleepy the next morning, causing me to feel sleepy the next night, causing me to take longer to do work, causing me to sleep late...It's a vicious cycle. I suggest this be a topic for IH. We will score.

I don't want to sleep. Sleeping causes a time gap in which we do nothing, and when we wake up, we will feel groggy and tired and more sleepy and the worst thing: we have to go to school. After finally finishing a day of work, we just get a few hours of sleep in which we don't do fun things like playing games. And so, it's kind of wasted :(. Anyway, after sleeping, we will have to face school, or face the day, depending on which is worse. So, I don't want to sleep. Sleeping seems to BRING "tomorrow". The dreaded "tomorrow". Unless it's a Saturady. But there's open house this Saturday. OH NOOOOOOOO MY SLEEEEEEEPPPPPP.....!!!!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Life's paradox #1

I want to go home but I don't want to go home.

I want to go home because school is tiring and boring. There are only a few lessons that I look forward to, and sometimes there are disappointments. I don't want to go through most lessons. For example, Chinese comprehension/ compo. Quizzes. Especially quizzes. They worry me too much. So, after a tiring and sleepy and boring day in school, it's nice to think that you are going home. It's nice to think of plopping down on your sofa and eating yoghurt. Therefore, I Want To Go Home.

I don't want to go home. Mainly because of this thing called HOMEwork. If I didn't know better it would have been nice, cause of HOME. But nevermind, on to my point. The thing is, a home allows you to relax, but not for long. Afterwards you will have to do HOME work, which are supposed to be done at home. So, it's not made so that you can finish it in school. It's main purpose is to take away your relaxing time at home. In conclusion, once you reach home, you'll have to face this thing called HOMEwork.

So there! A paradox in life.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

I rear insects

Sorry about the interview, but I've got better stuff to write about XD >.<

My room is home to/ has been home to/ is a favourite place to hangout for insects.

My room is/was home to:

Ants. One day, a group of ants came stumbling to my room and found a hole in my drawer next to my desk. They thought: Hey! That's a nice hole! And started building their home there. So one day, while I was doing maths worksheet, I realised there was activity at the edge of the desk that I was working on. I looked, and saw a whole LINE of ants crawling happily to the hole. I traced it all the way to my door and to the living room to the telephone desk to the TV cupboard to the sockets to the ceiling. But they're gone now.

Bee. This happened this morning. I woke up as usual and saw this huge bee hovering over my bed. I jumped out, did a duck-and-roll [with my bolster] and crawled out, all the while keeping an close eye on the bee. I managed to get to the living room safely [still hugging my bolster]. The we realised the bee was making trips between our plants at the corridor and my books, so my brother guessed that the bee was trying to make a nest. So while the bee was out collecting pollen or something, we snuck into the room to the books. And there, was a under-construction bee's nest. [And it's the wet version. Haven't solidified] Terrified, my mom grabbed the book the nest was on and brought it out to the living room. The rest of us followed, making a sudden duck when the bee came back in. My mom threw the book away. Anyway, the bee couldn't find its nest, so it started to find a spot to build a new one. When it came out to grab materials, I dashed to the door and closed it tight. And we still didn't have peace. In the end, all three rooms were closed off, and the bee came flying happily through the house, round and round. So we had to duck while we were playing. Suddenly, it disappeared, and we were so happy. After a while, before we went out, my brother opened my room door again. And there it was, happily flying around.

We went out anyway, and I dunno where it is now. Or its home.

My house is a favourite hangout place for:

Beetles. It happened twice, the same species. All late at night when my room had the only light. Its wings make a very loud buzzing noise when it moves. First time, I didn't know the sound came from the bug, till I suddenly realised: Hey. The sound isn't natural. After searching , I found this brown beetle flapping its wings and hopping here and there. I was scared, but didn't dare go catch it, so I left it alone. Till it starts flying around. I went to hide in the living room. When I went back, it was gone. I checked my bed, it wasn't there. So I took a step back, and...stepped on something. At the edge of my foot. So there it was, the bug. I jumped. It looked every bit alive. Having no choice, I went out to take a piece of tissue paper to catch it. When the tissue landed on the bug, it became WET. With red liquid. I felt sad for the poor creature, but I picked it up anyway and dumped it down the rubbish chute.

The second time, it was again, late at night, with me being the only awake one. And I heard the noise again. immediately, I sensed danger, and stood up immediately, in ready position, scanning my environment for any sign of life. I spotted the bug. Same species. Same size. Same colour. Must be retribution. Anyway, I tried to leave it alone again, but it wouldn't leave ME alone. So I switched off all the lights and went to hide in the living room, hoping the bug will fly out of the window. After a while, I went back in. The bug wasn't anywhere. So I resumed my work. Suddenly, I just looked down at the chair I was sitting on. And there, RIGHT NEXT TO my leg, sharing the same chair as me, was the bug! I jumped, [as in, really JUMPED ok] out of the chair. I turned the chair. It didn't move. I shooked the chair. It didn't move. So I did an amusing thing, I pushed the whole chair out to the living room, checked it was still on the chair, and then went to continue my work. After a while of peace, IT CAME BACK AGAIN.

I heard the sound, and saw it coming, and it got flipped midair by my fan, and fell onto the floor, belly-up. I stoned in surprise, and when it recovered and started flying around, I ducked and crawled out to the room. Must be the light. So I came back to the door, switched off my computer, switched off the light, and went to the living room, switched on the living room lights, and started reading and waiting. After a while, it came out. Immediately, I threw the book down, shot to the lights' switches, jumped away from the switches as the bug came over, switched off the lights when the bug was away, shot to my bedroom, jumped into bed and pulled my blanket over my head and tried to sleep. And I did. And the next morning, it disappeared again. No one knows where it is now.

Finally, a cockroach came to hangout too. It was when I was going to bed, and I went into the room, and saw this black thing smack right in the middle of my floor. I went out to get my specs, and realised it was a cockroach. A big one. Anyway I decided to sleep in the living room, but my brother didn't allow cause he wanted the sofa to watch TV. So he gave this very smart advice: Go to bed and pull the blanketsw over your head, and you'll be fine. I didn't trust him, but well, there was no choice. I HAVE to sleep. So I did as he was told. The next nmorning, it was gone. And I hate to repeat this, but no one knows where it is now.

That's all I can remember, if you didn't count lizards.

So next time if you ever visit my room, BEWARE OF INSECTS.

~Crappie Brain