Thursday, May 15, 2008

Life's paradox #2

I want to sleep but I don't want to sleep.

Sub "home" in the previous post with "sleep".

Ok, I shall not be lazy. I really wanted to leave it at that.

I want to sleep. 'Cause well, I'm sleepy =.= There is such an abundance of homework that there will not be a rice crisis if we can turn homework into rice. Anyway, 'cause of the excess homework, I can't sleep till I have finished the urgent ones. And those pieces of homework will usually not let me off till late at night. Thus, the next morning, and also night actually, I will feel sleepy. Sleepiness will cause me to take very long to do my work, resulting in working till late at night, causing me to sleep late, causing me to feel sleepy the next morning, causing me to feel sleepy the next night, causing me to take longer to do work, causing me to sleep late...It's a vicious cycle. I suggest this be a topic for IH. We will score.

I don't want to sleep. Sleeping causes a time gap in which we do nothing, and when we wake up, we will feel groggy and tired and more sleepy and the worst thing: we have to go to school. After finally finishing a day of work, we just get a few hours of sleep in which we don't do fun things like playing games. And so, it's kind of wasted :(. Anyway, after sleeping, we will have to face school, or face the day, depending on which is worse. So, I don't want to sleep. Sleeping seems to BRING "tomorrow". The dreaded "tomorrow". Unless it's a Saturady. But there's open house this Saturday. OH NOOOOOOOO MY SLEEEEEEEPPPPPP.....!!!!!

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