Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Since everyone wants me to...

I shall post.

But no, I'm saving Japan for later, when I'm in a better mood.

How to Live Longer and Lament Less. [I love alliteration)

1) Don't take school so seriously.

If you try to finish all your homework, try to hand up every single piece on time, you are a goner. Especially if you take very long to do each piece, and you won't settle for a piece of work that's not good enough to you. If you try to stay awake in class, even during lectures, you are a goner. You can't sleep at home cause of all the homework, then sleep in school. If you don't even sleep in school, you'll not Live Long. Cause sleep is important. And if you worry yourself over presentations and essays and class participation, you'll just age faster.

2) Don't take life so seriously.

Especially if you have a brother who goes to school for half a day and then comes home and play all the way. [And i really mean play ok]. Once you see through life as something transient, once you see that you are only a drop of water in the endless ocean, once you see that the world may end in four year's time [u can try googling 2012 december dunno wad date], you'll Lament Less. But that's only if you have acheived the stage of not becoming sad when you see ur bad results and not worrying about your future. For this to work, you have to absolutely believe that there is no future. For you.

3) Don't compete.

You'll only be sad when you lose. There's no point in winning anyway. So why torture yourself.

4) Don't keep telling people to update.

'Cause if the person suddenly loses it and graps hold of your neck you'll not Live Long.

5) Don't read.

Don't read those motivational books. They'll only psyco you to live a meaningful life so that you'll be happy, which is in itself a paradox. Don't touch those books at all, or you'll never attain nirvana. You HAVE TO psyco yourself that there is no meaning in school, so that you'll not take it so seriously, and that will save you from a lot of worries and stress and boredom and feelings of imperfection and disappointment.

A good place to start is Read those demotivators, get those mugs or something. And meditate. Brainwash yourself. And you'l LLLL.

Good luck, mortal beings.

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