Saturday, September 27, 2008

What if... #1

...there's no frictional force in this world?

We will slide to wherever we want and not stop till we drop into the river/hole/ crash into a cliff. We'll drown since there's no way we can climb back up to shore.

There will be no F1 racng as the drivers will just overshoot (cannot brake). Unable to turn to complete rounds.

There will be no such thing as erasers.

Nor bottle caps, since there's no way it can be screwed tight.

(Just realised something incredibly amusing. I typed "well being" into MS word and it was underlined in green. So i right-clicked it and the suggestion was "well-being". So i clicked on it and changed it, but then it got underlined again. Right click-- "well being". And it got underlined =.=. So smart. Even nicer than the understand-comprehend thingy XD)

Back to friction...

There MAY (note that I'm not saying WILL) be no such word as "friction". But it may actually solely mean friction between people... hmm...

Physics will be a lot easier!

The old roller-mouse will never work.

We can't light fires. All of us will stil be stuck in stone age. Or perhaps there will be no life at all.

There will be (or never be) soil erosion. Will be: Roots of plants unable to hold soil together. Will not be: Water will not be able to wash soil away.

Paperclips will not work!

Dusters will not work! So no more whiteboard duties!

Of course there are many more but I think I've crapped enough Really, I should be studying my environment degradation notes... :( :(

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