Thursday, March 20, 2008

Religion, superstition and beliefs

No, this is not going to be serious.

Do you believe in supernatural beings? Or do you want to believe in them but you know you don’t? Or do you sometimes believe in them but sometimes don’t?

I believe in them at night. I guess its cause of the atmosphere at night. And the silence. But not much in the day.

And sometimes I wish they exist, but sometimes I don’t. Why? You see, let’s say ghosts exist. That will make me afraid. Especially at night. But if they don’t it means that death is really The End. Dust. Nothing more. That also scares me. Ok, just call me a worry wart, scaredy cat, I don’t care. But its contradictory isn’t it?

Oh wells. Since when life isn’t.

Oh but I do hope all ghosts are like casper.
What do you think?

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