Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I am sick…

An obligatory post to tell you that I will not be posting so much stuff so frequently from now on, as I am suffering from a deadly disease.

Symptoms include:

1) Lack of loooooooooooong posts. [By long I mean those like the letter and expo essay]
2) Lack of comics
3) Lack of lameness [This is serious.]
4) Lack of posts—at all

Yes. It’s a very horrible disease and causes me much suffering. So, I’m going to educate you on how the how to and how not to get it, for the benefit of mankind.

How to get it: Have a boring lifestyle. This causes you to have nothing to talk about.
How to not get it: Make something happen everyday. Alternatively, you can draw stuff to fill in gaps. Or you can also stock up on ideas in a word document and crap when needed. Finally, you can write a post about “What to do when you have nothing to blog about”.

How to get it: Have a tough school life so that you have no time to blog.
How not to get it: Again, stock up on ideas so that you can finish your posts fast, or post pictures. Perhaps have a “picture of the day” post or something.

How to get it: Be lazy.
How not to get it: Err…you can’t do anything about this. [Actually you can, but I’m too lazy to elaborate]

So, having known how to avoid the disease, I hope that you will update often! :D

Finally, as I have said earlier, I have already gotten the disease, so there will be fewer posts from now on. [Actually I ran out of ideas. And I am left with only two more unposted comics. Demand outstrips supply, apparently]

Happy posting!

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